Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Princess of the World seen at WalMart

Wow, looks like selfishness is catching on a WalMart. This woman, who is NOT handicapped, felt like she is so special, so above the rest of us, that she gets to park her truck wherever she pleases, as long as it's most convenient for HER and to hell with those annoyances the rest of us have to endure. You know those annoyances we call rules and common courtesy. In her world, in which the rest of us are mere serfs, she is queen. God forbid she should park two spots away and work her fat ass just a little bit to get her weekly supply of princess chow. I wonder if she is related to the King of the World from my earlier post. Ford F150, NM tag HGX356.

Douchebag of the Day

Ya know, sometimes I take pictures of these nitwits and they sit on my camera for a while and I forget the details of the moment, but the one thing I remember about this guy from Colorado is that he was a TOTAL douchebag on the road, being an asshole for the sport of it. Here is his picture because if that's all I can remember, he deserves the credit. Dodge dickhead contractormobile, Colorado tag 321EWW. Maybe his wife's vanity tag? Oh, snap!

Going Nowhere Fast

Here we have a common sight in Rio Rancho - the guy who just has to get around the people in front of him, even though they are all going the speed limit or over.

This jackass in the green Audi on 528 northbound near Southern repeatedly cut people off without signaling, sometimes with inches to spare. He changed lanes more than a pro bowler wanted by the FBI.

Oh but wait, how did all his maneuvering work out? As you can see, he is merely a few cars ahead of me, at the RED LIGHT. Damn those red lights, it makes speeding and moving violations so... so... POINTLESS. Audi A4, NM tag DTP289.