Friday, March 13, 2009

King of the World seen at WalMart

Okay, all due respect to our troops and veterans, they certainly deserve it, but this guy feels he deserves just a little more respect than everyone else. Okay Jimbob, you were wounded and you have a purple heart tag to make sure people know it. You have a handicap tag hanging from your rearview. However, purple heart license plate + handicap tag does not = you get to park wherever the hell you want.

This guy obviously has a huge chip on his shoulder. He feels that the world owes him something, and his way of repaying the world is by showing zero respect and consideration for his fellow humans. This guy was sitting here when I got to Wally World, and was still there when I came out 20 minutes later. In fact, he was pushing a cart full of what must have been purina douchebag chow, and proceeded to load it into his back seat without much trouble. So much for being extra super handicapped, eh, Jimbob?

There are LOTS of handicapped spaces for this guy to park in, but that's just not good enough for him. NM Purple Heart tag 1162. he should request Purple Heart tag number ONE, because surely he deserves it.

By the way, a short rant on handicapped tags. It seems like everyone has one these days. Exactly how handicapped do you have to be to get one? I'm sure some people really need them, but it seems most people's "handicap" is merely the inability to eat just ONE whopper at a time. Bad knees because you weigh 650 lbs. - handicap tag. Next!


  1. I would like to have seen some shots of available spots he could have parked in. I agree with you on the knee injuries and weight issues and that they don't really seem to be "all that handicapped" To me if you have caused your handicap you should have to deal with what comes with it. For instance if it is difficult to breathe after walking to far because you are 50 lbs overweight then that is your fault. Park 10 spots down like the rest of us do and suffer. Out of breath or knee and back pain then push away from the table Einstein. Now back to this driver. If there were indeed other spots then this guy is just an idiot. However I will say that no one could park in that area anyway and it did not seem to impede traffic so who cares. But still the guy is indeed an "unaware"

  2. There were empty handicapped spots when I took the pictures but I wanted to snap them and keep moving so no one would start anything. The lines are painted there for a reason, and a lot of walmart shoppers think those stripes mean "just leave your cart here after you've put your groceries in your car, even though there's an effing cart return 8 feet away, you lazy ass". This guy took it one step further and he's just plain lazy and inconsiderate. But that's an issue for another blogger.
