Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Princess of the World seen at WalMart

Wow, looks like selfishness is catching on a WalMart. This woman, who is NOT handicapped, felt like she is so special, so above the rest of us, that she gets to park her truck wherever she pleases, as long as it's most convenient for HER and to hell with those annoyances the rest of us have to endure. You know those annoyances we call rules and common courtesy. In her world, in which the rest of us are mere serfs, she is queen. God forbid she should park two spots away and work her fat ass just a little bit to get her weekly supply of princess chow. I wonder if she is related to the King of the World from my earlier post. Ford F150, NM tag HGX356.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe she should of parked further away. The exercise would do her good. maybe by doing so she would lose some of that fat that is hanging off her bones.
